meet jacque
I am God's girl, one who has been on the receiving end of so much patience and grace. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but those mistakes have been turned around for good. One of the greatest goods that has come about is the God-given gift and ability to see the beauty in others. This is why I am passionate about the power of pictures and words---because pictures and words are at the core of how we perceive the world. They have the power of life and death. I choose to use pictures and words to speak life. To empower. To heal. To affect change.
This is my story.

Jonquia V.
CEO, Train Up A Child Learning Center
Entrepreneur, Author, Missionary
Love {Jacque's} spirit and professionalism! {She is} one of God’s most precious gifts! {She has} a kindness that is definitely not of this world!

Dr. Rashad M.
School Administrator
Jacque Miller is extremely professional, thorough, and she operations in the spirit of excellence! Needless to say, I would recommend her services to anyone in need of photography, graphic design, editing, and/or script writing services. In sum, Jacque has proven to be dependable, trustworthy, and true to her craftsmanship.
Schedule your free consultation today.
Physical Location: Mishawaka, IN / Tel. 219-776-9156